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Arrequipa 2

More explorations of this city!

The cafes, restaurants and bars are amazing here. 

There are so many artisans along the street.

Friendly people.

Stunning architecture. 

A place where one could just BE for a while. It is one of THOSE cities.

Oddly, Arrequipa reminds me of cities in Morocco!

I had been thinking it all afternoon when I went into a cafe. The barristo was talking about travels and said he had recently been in Morocco. I asked how he liked it and he said....I liked it but it reminded me a lot of home!

Yes, it does. 

By the end of my travels in Arrequipa I was tired. I was averaging 25,000 steps per day at high altitude. I think the pisco and chicha helped in the beginning but I was in need of a wee break. 

Off to Lima!

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